Adventurous couple

You can’t beat the love, support and comfort that comes from a long-term partner. But sometimes life takes our focus away from our relationship and we spend more time with work, projects or other commitments. It’s crucial that we don’t let the effort slide in our relationship. Here are some suggestions for how to reinvigorate your romantic life, putting your relationship front and centre and creating memories, bonds and stories that you’ll share forever.

Spend some quality time with each other

Dates in the air

We all know the feeling when our routine doesn’t give us enough time to spend with that special someone. No problem! There are so many ways to get some alone time with your partner - and it doesn’t just have to be another meal in a fancy restaurant. Why not float above the clouds in the basket of a hot air balloon? The silence and serenity of this kind of flight will give you time to focus on each other and enjoy beautiful panoramas together. A helicopter ride is similar, but you have more control over the flight path. How about flying over the place where you spent a memorable date early in the relationship and reigniting the flame of your love?

Balloon UK

Couples trips on land and sea

For a more classic touch, we recommend a horse riding experience. You can escape the crowds and explore one of the UK’s wonderful natural landscapes in the company of your partner - and a couple of charming horses. You can even take a horseback ride along the beach and feel the sea breeze on your face, a sensation you’ll never forget. Or how about going further from the land and taking a boat trip? This could give you a whole new perspective on the landscape and your partner.

Horse Riding UK

Set your hearts racing

If your relationship needs a real shot in the arm, get the adrenaline flowing with an extreme sport. Aerial stunts like bungee jumping and skydiving are enough to make your hearts beat like they did at the beginning of the relationship. We know that by the time you’re back on solid ground together, you’ll feel closer to your partner than ever before. It’s possible to complete bungee jumps in tandem, strapped to each other for the whole experience. If that’s not a good way to build trust, we don’t know what is! Another terrific option that allows you to traverse a magnificent landscape while feeling a sense of adventure is white water rafting. Typically this activity takes place in large rafts, but you can find two-person inflatable kayaks for a more personalised experience too.

White Water Rafting UK

Widen your horizons

Fight for your love!

Having a private, one-off experience with your partner will do a lot to shake up your relationship, but changing your shared routine is best achieved by taking up a regular activity together. In this way, you can broaden your hobbies and expand your social circle at the same time. Clay pigeon shooting is an increasingly popular sport among people of all backgrounds and there’s a great community growing around it. If that’s not quite your scene, you could think about getting into airsoft. The fans of this sport take it very seriously, fostering a feeling of shared connections within teams and groups. Of course, both of these options are particularly suited to competitive couples!

Clay Pigeon Shooting UK

Bonding with watersports

Something a bit more relaxed is stand-up paddleboarding. This watersport has shot from relative obscurity to huge popularity in the last couple of years, resulting in a proliferation of schools offering classes and, for those who know what they’re doing, SUP social events. Whatever you choose, the new skills you learn and friendships that you make together have the potential to make deep, long-lasting changes to the way you and your partner live your life.

Paddleboarding UK

We’ve chosen just a handful of the hundreds of exciting activities that can have a big impact on your relationship. If you have questions or opinions about any that do or don’t appear on the list, leave a comment below!